RISE: Putting the Fun in Functional Fitness for Wheelchair Users

Editor’s Note: When Wheel:Life writer Betsy Bailey overheard her booth neighbors at Abilities Expo San Mateo talking to attendees about wheelchair users working out at their gym, she knew she needed to find out more information to share with our readers. After introducing herself to Reed Snook and Rachel Galaraga, she found out they were […]

How Adaptive Fitness is Helping Joanna Bonilla Fight for Recovery

Editor’s Note:  Fitness enthusiast Joanna Bonilla hadn’t been feeling her best when one day, she began experiencing back pain and weakness in her legs. Her mother took her to the emergency room, but by the time the doctors had finished routine testing, she could no longer feel her lower limbs. An MRI revealed a spinal […]

The Chanda Plan Foundation:  Changing Lives Through Access to Integrative Therapy

Editor’s Note: When conventional medicine was failing quadriplegic Chanda Hinton-Leichtle, she knew something had to change. At just 59 pounds and chronically ill in her early 20s, her sister suggested trying integrative therapy. Thanks to those therapies, her health began to turn around, and she realized others in her situation could surely benefit from the […]

The Healing Powers of Grounding Therapy for Wheelchair Users

Editor’s Note:  Having grown up on a farm in rural Montana, Clint Ober intuitively understood the benefits of being connected with the earth. After leaving the countryside for city life, his career in the cable television industry taught him the importance of another type of connection with the earth:  the concept of electrical grounding. After […]

How the SCRS-IL Can Help You Live Independently

Editor’s Note: When triple degree holder Jose Gonzalez returned home after living abroad, he was struggling to find a job and wondering what to do next with his life. After applying for services with the California Department of Rehabilitation, a state run employment and independent living agency for people with disabilities, he was placed at […]

Prevent Shoulder Injury with a GRIT Lever-Propelled Wheelchair

The first self-propelled push-rim wheelchair was patented in 1881 by James Heath. While wheelchair design has evolved considerably since then, the basic concept of push-rim propulsion has remained largely unchanged, despite the fact that our understanding of the human body has grown leaps and bounds beyond what it was at that time. If we look at […]

Hitting the Field with Wheelchair Lacrosse

Hold onto your helmets, sports fans! Wheelchair lacrosse is the newest full contact adaptive sport to gain traction in the USA since rugby started in 1977. Lacrosse is a sport that involves a unique combination of speed, skill, agility, grace, teamwork, and finesse. Basketball inventor James Naismith once called it, "the best of all possible field […]

Choosing Wheelchair Cushions: What You Need to Know

When you begin using a wheelchair, many times the main points about daily care and ongoing needs are all you have time to learn before you go home from the hospital or rehab.  Then, once you’re home, the reality of wheelchair use sets in, along with the risk for some common issues that go with […]

SPORTS 'N SPOKES: Leading the Charge Into Wheelchair Sports

Since its inception in 1975, SPORTS 'N SPOKES magazine has served as the "Sports Illustrated" for the wheelchair community. Currently distributed to 43 countries worldwide, SPORTS 'N SPOKES says, “Our readers come from all walks of life all having one thing in common: determination!” Readers find ample resources on the magazine's pages and website, such as pictures, […]

Wheelchair Friends Make National News

So many folks have been talking about Matthew Castelluccio's debut on 20/20 last night, we thought we would share that video today [if you haven’t seen it yet] along with some other notable national news debuts from other friends who also use wheelchairs. Matthew’s story on ABC's 20/20 discussed the motorcycle accident that left him […]

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