A Roadmap to Adapted Driving

By: Cheryl Angelelli Getting your driver’s license is an exciting and highly anticipated rite of passage for most teenagers. Not for me. I remember being terrified sitting behind the wheel for the first time with a driver’s education instructor. Just four years earlier, I had sustained a C6 incomplete spinal cord injury and thought… how […]

Wheeling Around the Globe: Pro Tips from a Wheelchair Traveler

By: Cheryl Angelelli Rolling across the Great Wall of China, taking an elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower, going on a safari tour in South Africa; these are just a few of the amazing travel experiences I have had since becoming a quadriplegic in 1983 due to a spinal cord injury. I love […]

Returning to activities after a spinal cord injury

On the way to the grocery store during a camping trip in Pennsylvania, Zac Wolfe’s life changed forever when the driver of the single cab truck he was riding in overcompensated a turn causing the truck to hit an embankment and roll over. At 19 years old, he remembers going in and out of consciousness, […]

We Carry Kevan Is Redefining Accessibility

Editor’s Note: In 2016, Kevan Chandler and a group of friends took off on a backpacking trip to Europe. Chandler, who lives with spinal muscular atrophy, typically uses a wheelchair for mobility, but the group’s planned itinerary wasn’t particularly wheelchair-friendly. So instead of looking for ways to explore the destinations from his wheelchair, Chandler opted […]

Chasing Adventure: How These Storytellers Do It and Yoocan Too

Think back to the last time you experienced a little adventure in your life. How did it make you feel? We know from numerous studies that participating in outdoor recreational activities can reduce stress and increase mental and physical well-being. However, due to the necessity of attending to everyday life, it’s easy to push fun-time […]

Are You Prepared in an Emergency? ADAPTS Has Your Back

Editor’s Note: When retired flight attendant Robin Wearley received a call from her friend John Morris (the man behind WheelchairTravel.org) to discuss emergency evacuation protocol for wheelchair travelers, she realized the industry needed to seriously rethink their methods or rather, lack thereof. After Morris mentioned he’d likely have to rely on the kindness of strangers for […]

Travel the World with Wheelchair Jimmy

Editor’s Note: At the age of 20, Jim Parsons became paralyzed in an accident and began using a wheelchair for mobility. A college student at the time, he finished his degree at Indiana University and went on to receive an MBA from the same institution. Upon entering the working world, his career in business and […]

Wheels2Walking: Tips and Tricks for Wheelchair Users

Editor’s Note: When fitness enthusiast Richard Corbett fell 50 feet while out for a jog in 2010, he broke both his legs, shattered an elbow, and sustained an L2 incomplete spinal cord injury. The next few years were spent in and out of rehab, both to recover from his physical injuries as well as his […]

Accessible Festivals Is Making Festivals Accessible

Editor’s Note: Playing in bands and attending music festivals was a big part of Southern California native Austin Whitney’s youth. But when he sustained a spinal cord injury at the age of 18, his life changed dramatically. As is the case for most SCI survivors, the first few months of recovery proved difficult for Whitney. […]

Remembering 2018: Lessons to Carry into 2019

As each year comes to a close, we like to look back and reflect on the people we met, the journeys we went on, and the lessons we learned. In 2018, we talked to adventure travelers, authors, filmmakers, techies, physical therapists, fitness gurus, entrepreneurs, and more. We learned so much from each and every person […]

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