We Carry Kevan Is Redefining Accessibility

Editor’s Note: In 2016, Kevan Chandler and a group of friends took off on a backpacking trip to Europe. Chandler, who lives with spinal muscular atrophy, typically uses a wheelchair for mobility, but the group’s planned itinerary wasn’t particularly wheelchair-friendly. So instead of looking for ways to explore the destinations from his wheelchair, Chandler opted […]

On Ice, Rock, or Indoors, Paradox Says Climbing Is for Everyone

Editor’s Note: This year, Wheel:Life is partnering with Paradox Sports, a nonprofit dedicated to adaptive climbing. Throughout 2020, we’re excited to bring you interviews with Paradox ambassadors, adaptive ice climbers, and more. This month, we talked to Paradox development manager Becky Lindstrom about their upcoming climbing trips, educating gyms across the country on adaptive techniques, […]

How Anthony Orefice Spends His Bonus Time Post-Injury

Editor’s Note: In 1993, Anthony Orefice struck a telephone pole while drinking and driving on his friend’s motorcycle. Lucky to be alive, the 19-year-old suffered a T4, T5, and T6 spinal cord injury. After six months in the hospital, he returned to his residence in Southern California and began his new life as a wheelchair […]

Chasing Adventure: How These Storytellers Do It and Yoocan Too

Think back to the last time you experienced a little adventure in your life. How did it make you feel? We know from numerous studies that participating in outdoor recreational activities can reduce stress and increase mental and physical well-being. However, due to the necessity of attending to everyday life, it’s easy to push fun-time […]

RISE: Putting the Fun in Functional Fitness for Wheelchair Users

Editor’s Note: When Wheel:Life writer Betsy Bailey overheard her booth neighbors at Abilities Expo San Mateo talking to attendees about wheelchair users working out at their gym, she knew she needed to find out more information to share with our readers. After introducing herself to Reed Snook and Rachel Galaraga, she found out they were […]

Wheelchair Rugby Paralympian Jeff Butler on Tokyo 2020 and Beyond

In 2003, Jeff Butler was on his way home from his middle school football game when the car he was riding in was t-boned. The accident resulted in a broken neck at C5-6 for the 13-year-old and several months at various rehabilitation facilities across the United States. Thanks to a family friend, Butler discovered wheelchair […]

Thoughts on Eco-Friendly Living with Hydred Makabali

By now, we’ve all heard the reports — our modern way of life is destroying the planet we call home. Plastic fills our oceans, burning fossil fuels pollute the air we breathe, and wild pollinator counts continue to decline, threatening our ability to produce sufficient sustenance for our growing population. Yet, simply being aware a […]

Are You Prepared in an Emergency? ADAPTS Has Your Back

Editor’s Note: When retired flight attendant Robin Wearley received a call from her friend John Morris (the man behind WheelchairTravel.org) to discuss emergency evacuation protocol for wheelchair travelers, she realized the industry needed to seriously rethink their methods or rather, lack thereof. After Morris mentioned he’d likely have to rely on the kindness of strangers for […]

Boy with Spina Bifida Surprised with Custom Handcycle

Editor’s Note: Diagnosed with spina bifida before birth, nine-year-old Charlie Krouse uses a wheelchair for mobility but has full use of his upper body. Earlier this year, Freedom Concepts teamed up with the Tampa Bay Lightning NHL team, two Florida charities (Wheelchairs 4 Kids and Charlie’s Champs), and Pediatric Therapy Services to create a custom […]

Road to Tokyo: Yoocan Storytellers Pursue Paralympic Dreams

With less than a year before the 2020 Summer Paralympic Games, these athletes (who have each shared their stories on Yoocan) have their nose to the grindstone as they fight for the chance to represent their country in Tokyo. Will they realize their dreams of competing alongside the world’s most elite athletes? Keep reading to […]

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