Push Girl Tiphany Adams Kicks Off Student Awareness Initiative

Tiphany Adams raises awareness and understanding on many topics – always with a core message of truth, love and self-acceptance. Tiphany currently stars on Sundance Channels’ critically acclaimed docu-series Push Girls. In addition to her television work, Tiphany speaks and advocates publicly on the topics of drunk and distracted driving, LGBT and GSA, nutrition, wellness and fitness. She […]

Connecting with a Peer Support Group in Your Community

It takes time to adjust to using a wheelchair, no matter why you're using one.  Having a friend who has already rolled a mile in your shoes can help make the journey a little smoother.  That's why Wheel:Life encourages all of our readers to get involved in a peer support group in their local community. According to the National Spinal […]

Accessible Apartments: Tips for Making Your Rental Mobility-Ready

Editor's Note: Our friends at The Mobility Project - an initiative created by Mobility Management magazine - are sharing a series of articles with Wheel:Life to help empower our community of wheelchair users, assistive technology users and their families! We'll be posting the article highlights with a link to the full story below.  According to the Rental […]

Three Spinal Cord Injury Research Projects You Should Keep An Eye [Or Tongue] On

Wheel:Life monitors research news that could impact your life as a wheelchair user, and we're excited to share the latest research advancements and projects making recent headlines!  The following three medical studies have the potential to improve either functional ability or overall quality of life for people who use wheelchairs due to spinal cord injuries.  So […]

Get the Dirt on Accessible Gardening

What comes to your mind when you think of gardening? Many picture someone on their hands and knees, digging in the ground. This isn’t the only way you can enjoy a garden, though. Many people with different physical abilities can still get out in the garden!. The following resources may help you cultivate your green […]

Hitting the Field with Wheelchair Lacrosse

Hold onto your helmets, sports fans! Wheelchair lacrosse is the newest full contact adaptive sport to gain traction in the USA since rugby started in 1977. Lacrosse is a sport that involves a unique combination of speed, skill, agility, grace, teamwork, and finesse. Basketball inventor James Naismith once called it, "the best of all possible field […]

Flying the Friendly Skies: Delta’s Effort to Accommodate Travelers With Disabilities

While much has been said in the past about the wrongs and woes that travelers experience while flying, very little is shared in a public forum about the steps that commercial airlines are taking to improve accessibility for their customers with disabilities.  Perhaps it’s easier to focus on the negative, especially during the frustrations that can […]

9Lives Adventures Creates Canada's First Inclusive Adventure Race

9Lives Adventures may be the most exciting sports program we’ve encountered so far that helps people with different abilities to explore the world around them!  After fracturing his C7 vertabrae in an accident, Karim Ladki founded 9Lives Adventures in Vancouver, Canada with one simple goal: to provide extreme adventure travel to disabled individuals who wish to push their limitless boundaries and furthermore, […]

Choosing Wheelchair Cushions: What You Need to Know

When you begin using a wheelchair, many times the main points about daily care and ongoing needs are all you have time to learn before you go home from the hospital or rehab.  Then, once you’re home, the reality of wheelchair use sets in, along with the risk for some common issues that go with […]

Children’s Books Take on Disabilities

As a parent of a disabled child, or a person with physical challenges, you might be amazed at the differences between kids and adults in terms of accepting disabilities. For the most part, children want to learn about disabilities, and they often are willing to focus on the individual’s abilities instead of their limitations. Kids love […]

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